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分类: 职场英语 职场词典 编辑 : 职场知识 发布 : 04-03

阅读 :444


  1.你能帮我复印一下这些文件吗?Can you copy these documents for me?

  2.这种复印机很容易操作。This kind of copier is easy to operate.

  3.这台复印机需要修理。This copier needs repairing.

  4.传真机现在不能用。The fax machine is not available now.

  5.你能传真一下这份文件吗?Would you please fax this document?

  6.我们得尽快把公司的每个办公室都装配上连接办公室网络的计算机。We have to equip our company with a network of workstations at every office as soon as possible.

  7.这台电脑感染病毒了。This computer is infected by a virus.

  8.如何改变字体?How do I change fonts?

  9.你想把它打印出来吗?Do you want to print it out?


  Talking about Office Equipment 谈论办公设备

  Eva: If we are too modernize our information processing, manufacturing system and management code, we need to complete our office automation.


  Tom: Yes, you're right. We have to equip our company with a network of workstations at every office as soon as possible.


  Eva: Our copying machines are too slow, our telephone system is limited in function, and our offices are not well-equipped for us to work efficiently. To improve the offices for higher efficiency, we have to change all the chairs and some of the desks also, redesign our office so that we may have more space.


  Tom: Good. We can contact the Tianfa Office Furniture Store, and ask them to install computers in our company, deliver new tables and other furniture to match the function of the computers, and to improve our work atmosphere simultaneously.


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